Immersive Meditation Method

What is Immersive Meditation?

Immersive Meditation is an outcome-oriented form of guided meditation, created by Heather Hayward, designed to spark insights & catalyze creating thinking. The goal of Immersive Meditation is to facilitate moments of deep contemplation - leading to realizations that create lasting transformational change.

why it works

Why Immersive Meditation works

Immersive Meditation is a complete system for working with clients or groups designed to facilitate consistent & predictable transformational change. By combining the best elements of the worlds most effective personal development modalities into one simple process, Immersive Meditation is unique in its ability to shift people from confusion to clarity.

Hybrid methodology

All-in-one methodology

Drawing on almost 40 years of experience leading guided meditations professionally & +20 years as a Results Coach & Clinical Hypnotherapist, Heather Hayward created Immersive Meditation from the best elements of her 17 professional certifications. Immersive Meditation takes the physiological benefits of mindfulness & meditation, the laser-targeted inquiry of coaching & the power of active imagination from hypnosis, and combines them into one simple & adaptive technique for catalyzing clarity.

A double exposure image of a woman having a realization because a certified meditation coach led her through an immersive meditation after getting a meditation teacher training
An image of a brain representing how guided meditation facilitator training enables immersive meditation facilitators to address both the conscious and subconscious mind

Deep work

Addressing both subconscious and conscious roadblocks

As any coach or therapist will agree, working with clients in a strictly conscious/conversational state can be a laborious process - often yielding limited or short-term results which are easily derailed by a regression to the habits & patterns driven by our subconscious mind. Immersive Meditation enables a facilitator to easily shift a client into a meditative state, engage the subconscious mind in the creative problem-solving process, and enable the client to realize insights otherwise inaccessible to their conscious mind.

Results driven

Outcome-oriented guided meditation

While many use meditation techniques, such as mindfulness, as a way to detach from one’s thoughts & focus on the present moment, we see the engagement with & mastery of one’s thought life as a prerequisite for lasting change. Therefore, Immersive Meditations facilitate deep-thinking & healthy self-reflection in a targeted, outcome-oriented fashion designed to enable clients to overcome specific challenges on their way to achieving their goals.

An image of a man seeing his future goals achieved to represent how immersive meditation is used in an outcome-oriented meditation style
A double exposure image of a man having a realization because a certified meditation coach led him through an immersive meditation


Catalyzing self-generated realizations

The fundamental source of Immersive Meditation’s effectiveness as a methodology is its ability to facilitate self-generated realizations. By guiding clients within, Immersive Meditation facilitators are able to support their clients through a process of self-discovery. Provoking insights in this manner not only creates more profound & lasting impacts on the client but also takes the pressure off of the facilitator, as they are not required to be the source of the answers needed for a client to make progress.

Professional usecases

Applications of Immersive Meditation

Immersive Meditation is a highly adaptable personal development modality with a multitude of applications. Whether you want to work with clients 1-on-1, lead workshops or create online courses, this one technique is all you need to impact lives in virtually any format.


One-on-one coaching & therapy

Immersive Meditation was originally developed in 1-on-1 sessions and is unique in it’s capability of delivering extraordinary & individualized results for coaching & therapy clients. It is a complete standalone system - meaning you do not need any other training or certifications to accompany this method - however, can be easily integrated with other techniques as well. With the comprehensive training provided inside our meditation facilitator program, you’ll have everything you need to start & grow a successful 1-on-1 coaching business.

A creative illustration of a certified coach guiding a client through an Immersive Guided Meditation in a one-on-one session
An image of a woman using Immersive Meditation to lead a guided meditation workshop


Leading workshops & retreats

What separates good workshops & retreats from great ones is level of transformation experienced by each individual participant. Immersive Meditation offers workshop & retreat leaders a way to deliver a group experience while facilitating a deeply personal experience to each individual. Integrating this technique into your work will take your group events to a new level of depth & effectiveness.

Meditation audios

Creating meditation audios

Meditation audios are an invaluable tool for supporting clients between sessions. Additionally, they offer coaches an additional service in providing personalized audios to deliver to individuals or to audio-brand in partnership with existing businesses. This is why we teach our students how to record & create studio-quality Immersive Meditation audios inside the Immersive Leadership Academy.

An image of a man in a music studio creating a guided meditation audio using his immersive meditation facilitator training skill set
An image of a woman using Immersive Meditation and meditation facilitator training to create an online meditation course

Courses & Digital Products

Developing online courses

Integrating Immersive Meditation into an online course can dramatically improve its effectiveness. By facilitating targeted moments of self-discovery & reflection, Immersive Meditations can take a course from being strictly informational to reformational. If you want develop an online course that delivers on its promise of personal transformation, our method can help.


Hear from our clients

Mariela Torres
Emergency Medicine Physician

"When I joined GMF last year, I just came in with the expectation of learning the skillset and I have gained so much more. It has been a wonderful experience overall, personally for me. Working with Heather and Hunter has been invaluable. They are wonderful people with so much knowledge and we are able to access them on a weekly basis.”

Evolving our Methods

The future of personal development

The needs of today’s clients have changed, and so should the methods used by personal development professionals. Immersive Meditation is unique in its capacity to address both the physiological & psychological challenges facing the modern client.

The modern client

Meeting the needs of today's clients

In the age of digital distraction, opinion-overload & despair by comparison, the modern client faces unprecedented physiological & psychological challenges. Immersive Meditation gives coaches & therapists the tools necessary to simultaneously reduce stress & anxiety and catalyze the clarity needed to make & sustain change.

An image of a cluttered brain to represent the problem being solved by certified immersive meditation teachers
An image of a woman discovering a self-generated insight while doing an immersive meditation to represent how guided meditation training can be used to silence the inner critic

guiding vs telling

The power of self-discovered insights

While promoting shifts in perspective is the goal of any personal development modality, few techniques achieve this goal effectively or efficiently. Immersive Meditation operates based on the principle that the client has the answers they need within them - they simply need help accessing those answers. By guiding instead of telling, Immersive Meditation facilitators are uniquely capable at connecting their clients to the self-generated realizations that drive lasting transformational change.

Refocusing within

The desire for deep work

As competition for our attention abounds externally, the future of personal development will be characterized by the refocusing of attention within. What clients desperately need & want today is to reconnect with the part of themselves that’s taken cover in the endless barrage of opinions of who & how they should be. Immersive Meditation is the deep work modality designed to guide clients to the truth of why they are here & what they truly want in this life.

An image of a tree with deep roots to represent the desire coaching clients have to do deeper work and how immersive meditation meets that need

take the first step

Start your journey as an immersive meditation leader.

Do you want to positively impact people's lives and prosper as result? Click the button below to check out how the Guided Meditation Framework® can enable you to turn your passion for helping others into a thriving business that feeds your soul.